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          Louisiana State University is partnering with Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE) for research and professional training activities for a diversified group of graduate students. This project strives to create a successful collaboration between the professional society and universities which in turn will result in a sustainable relationship that will be mutually beneficial to all parties involved long after the project is completed.


          The Center will organize three annual programs utilizing approximately twenty US graduate students, each of which will last approximately nine months and will include a four-week visit. Primary focuses of the program consist of three general research topics: human and the built environment, social-technology integration, and sustainable development policies and implementation. All of which provide excellent research and developmental opportunities for graduate students both stateside and abroad.


          Overarching goals for this collaborative effort include: 1) developing a multidisciplinary and multicultural perspective of built environment sustainability by working with a team of US students and mentors, 2) performing research–integrated professional development activities to develop student’s interest in enhancing their transferable skills while conducting research, 3) undertaking an array of developmental activities for developing global leadership skills with culturally immersive opportunities augmented by virtual teams and computer technologies, 4) developing an industry perspective of global leadership skills, and 5) developing a professional network.


          To conclude the program students will present their research at an annual event held and organized by ASTFE. Their presentation and projects will be evaluated through a unique “Sustainability Tank” alike format by the ASTFE professionals.  This project will explore an open organization model, which combines the strength of industry professionals and academia -- ultimately maximizing student research possibilities and creates a strong foundation for industry networking for future professional transition post-graduation. A diverse set of stakeholders in this project allows for all aspects of the socioeconomic population to participate, and potentially encourage underrepresented populations to get involved.

Third Cohort Flyer

The committee is now accepting applications for the third cohort. 

Due date of Applications:
April 15th 2023

Notification of Selection: 4/30/2023

Virtual Leadership Program Start Date: TBA 

Fukuoka, Japan Visit:
7/16/2023-8/12/2023 (tentative)

2023 American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE) Conference

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